I’ve been Digging

Using the Irish Bog-oak pen given to me on Mother’s day and a day gardening – this was the result  –


Yesterday was spent digging turf.

Grass making way for raised beds;

my spade marked the squares to be lifted.


As I dug, I thought of folk

digging peat, digging the past

revealed in ancient blackened layers.


Today I dig down into memories

lifted from shoe boxes  – photographs

that cast my mind back over years.


Now I dig deep with a pen as I

scribble, draft, redraft to recapture

scenes, emotions that emerge.


I dig again for words to reveal those

times that have been hidden away.

Hidden in a size eleven shoe box.

Author: annedunford

Now fulfilling my ten year old self's ambition to become a writer - it's taken many years and a long,long winding road to get here! After a lifetime spent teaching, making miniature ceramics, returning to teaching and training, I am now indulging in a lifelong ambition to write!

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